CSR Grant – Atalian Interactive Ltd
21July22: CSR MOU + Grant to United Nations Association of Mauritius by Atalian Interactive Ltd
for awareness programs on selective goals of the UNSDGS in 2022. Pic 1- Signing the MOU- Left to Rights: Mr. Ashween Ranmessur of Atalian Interactive Ltd and Mr. Mahess Roopun, Secretary General of UNAMAURITIUS. Pic 2 – Setting at HQ UNAMAURITIUS. Pic. 3 – Officials: from Left to Rights: Mr. Sharan Seehakoo, Mr. Sarjoo Fangooa, Mr. Ashween Ranmessur, Mr. Nundkeswarsing Bossoondyal, Mr. David Rabaud and Mr. Mahess Roopun.