As an affiliated member organization to “WFUNA”, it is our prime responsibility to work for consolidating the aims and objectives of WFUNA. As such, promoting the noble objective of the United Nations is a must as per the Constitution of WFUNA and UNA Mauritius:
To promote and propagate the aims and ideals of United Nations.
To organize meetings, arrange lectures on subjects connecting with UN systems and UN Policy.
To militate actively for emancipation of Human Rights.
Promoting national and international peace, understanding, solidarity and co-operation among people throughout the world without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. Promoting Sustainable Development.
Educating its members and others about the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
Observation and celebration of major international UN events and achievements.
Organization of lectures, symposiums, conferences, seminars, workshops, forums on issues of burning importance and relating to UN ideals.
Launching awareness campaigns on sexual and substance abuse, population, education, AIDS awareness and AIDS prevention, battered Women and Children.
Holding active programs on Human, Women and Child Rights; Social & Sustainable Development and SIDS.>To collaborate and organize joint programs with other Local, Regional and International NGOs with similar aims and objectives.
MUNA will continue to participate actively in United Nations-sponsored meetings on related issues. MUNA will expand its information sharing activities to relevant sections of the United Nations Secretariat and will participate in and offer its expertise to any UN Organ and related Agencies.
To educate its members and others about the UNITED NATIONS and its specialized agencies.
To support fully the purposes and principles of the UNITED NATIONS and its specialized agencies. To promote the aims, objectives and principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To inculcate among its members that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in the spirit of brotherhood and equality. To promote and organize social, voluntary, cultural, educational, and sports activities. To strive for the recognition of and respect for Human Rights and fundamental freedom and for the recognition of the responsibilities and duties which those rights involve for individuals, groups or associations. To promote tolerance, understanding, solidarity and co-operation among men, women and children without distinction to race, sex, language, religion or political orientation. To voice and to defend by all legal and pacific means of any kind of oppression, victimization, discrimination and abuse of whatsoever rights due to religion/caste, political belief, sex, age and other ill-factor. To work and cooperate with the United Nations and its specialized agencies, international, regional and national organizations working for the promotion and protection of Human Rights, Sustainable Development and for the total participation in Human Development. Committed to and act for the common good and shall not compromise with private interests or political power.
The main programs of activities among others shall be: Eradication of poverty, Against corruption, Food Security, Agriculture, Environment, Rural Development, Land Reforms, Education, Peace-Security and Disarmament, Gender equality, Public Health-physical and emotional, HIV AIDS awareness and prevention, Water Management, Democracy, Sports, Culture, Artistic, Women, Child, Students, Youth, Elderly, Economic promotion, Tourism and Exchange, Media, Debt relief and those related to the UN programs and priorities.